
Health Insurance Top 10 Tips (2)

Health Insurance Top 10 Tips
By : Marilyn Katz

Even great coverage may have gaps . You may not be well covered for outpatient testing or prescriptions. Make sure you understand exactly how your policy works.

You may want an affordable supplement to fill in some coverage gaps, and a supplement may allow you to pay less for your major medical plan.

You should be able to research the network on a PPO or HMO plan before you sign up. Look for doctors and hospitals and other medical providers in your area.

Make sure you are comfortable with the medical provider options and understand the consequence of finding medical care outside of the network.

If you lose your job, you can still keep your insurance for a length of time. Of course, the employer will no longer pay the premium in most cases, and so you will have to pay much more.

Determine if keeping your group plan while you find another job would be best, or if you should look for individual health insurance coverage.

You pay more for freedom. A PPO or HMO will restrict you to a network for many things, but your out of pocket contributions will be less.

Working couples can determine which spouse's group coverage is better for them. Lots of factors can go into that decision, like job stability, family health, cost, and coverage.

Tax breaks can help! You can deduct many medical and medical insurance costs.

M. Katz has helped many individuals and small business owners find affordable health insurance solutions. To help you compare health insurance, find free online insurance quotes.

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